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2020-09-28 15:08   来源: 互联网

名    称: 顺治通宝

规    格: 直径2.75cm重:5.25g

数    量:     一  枚    

合作方式:    议  价

顺治通宝为清朝钱币,铸于世祖顺治年间(1644年~1661年)。顺治通宝是清朝入关后正式铸行的第一种制钱,面文"顺治通宝",钱文宋体、均为对读;多为黄铜质,有极少数为青铜;钱体趋于扁平,钱缘宽阔。顺治通宝主要为小平钱,少数折二、折十大钱,按背文变化和铸行阶段可分为五式。早期顺治钱保留了明朝制钱工艺,使其版式具有明显的明朝钱币特征,而后期彻底从明朝制钱体系中脱离出来,建立了独有的清代制钱风格。 "顺治五式"在明清钱币演化中起到了承前启后的作用。

Shunzhi Tongbao is a coin of the Qing Dynasty, cast in the Shunzhi period of Shizu (1644~1661). Shunzhi Tongbao was the first form of money making after the Qing Dynasty entered the customs. The face "Shunzhi Tongbao" is written in Song style, and both are parallel readings; most are brass, and a few are bronze; the style of the money tends to be flat , The money is wide. Shunzhi Tongbao is mainly composed of small flat coins, a few of which are folded in two and ten big coins, which can be divided into five types according to the change of the inscription and the stage of casting. Early Shunzhi money retained the Ming Dynasty money-making craftsmanship, and its layout had obvious characteristics of Ming Dynasty coins, but later it was completely separated from the Ming Dynasty money-making system and established a unique Qing Dynasty money-making style. The "Five types of Shunzhi" played a role in linking the past and the future in the coin evolution of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.


After the Qing army entered the Pass, a series of large-scale wars broke out between the Qing regime, the Nanming regime, and the peasant rebel regime. The unification war of the Qing regime dominated the casting of Shunzhi money in the early stage. It is a classic case and physical evidence of currency evolution during the war.


In 1644, the Qing army entered the Pass and Aixinjueluo Fulin arrived in Beijing. In order to stabilize the chaotic situation of coin circulation, on the one hand, the old money of the Ming Dynasty was selectively continued to be used, and the other party set up a central money bureau in Beijing to start casting "Shunzhi Tongbao" money. The weight of each new coin is determined to be exchanged between one coin and plain coin. This move gradually unified the form of circulating money and laid a good foundation for the restoration of the national economy. However, as the newly entered Qing government, the implementation of the Shunzhi Tongbao Money was not smooth. It has undergone five important reforms and finally completed the process of setting up the Qing Dynasty coin system from the Ming Dynasty. The five currency reforms created five forms of Shunzhi Tongbao Money, which are the world-famous five types of Shunzhi. Each type of Shunzhi Tongbao is self-contained and interrelated, providing our later collectors and researchers with colorful and interesting physical materials.


The fall of the Ming Dynasty and Qingxing is a wonderful highlight in Chinese history. After the entry of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, a series of large-scale wars broke out between the Qing regime, the Nanming regime and the regime of the peasant rebel army. The unification war of the Qing regime dominated the casting of Shunzhi money in the early stage. It is a classic case and physical evidence of currency evolution during the war;


As hostile regimes were eliminated one by one, the later Shunzhi money quickly transitioned from wartime currency to construction period currency, and Shunzhi money was completely separated from the Ming Dynasty money system. It is an important example of studying how the early Qing Dynasty focused on restoring post-war economic issues;


Shunzhi Money is the second national coinage in Chinese history that has completed the unification of ethnic minority regimes. It is a physical material that studies how minority and Han coin cultures merge step by step; Shunzhi Money was established after the silver standard currency system was fully established. A complete set of silver and copper money dual-track currency solutions; an important component of currency silvering research;


The system of the Minting Bureau is a major feature of the entire Qing Dynasty coin system, and it is also a manifestation of the development of China's feudal minting system to a more mature stage. Although this system started with Shunzhi Money, it did not happen overnight. It has gone through a gradual process. Research on Shunzhi Money provides an important reference for understanding this evolutionary process.


This Shunzhi Tongbao has a diameter of 2.75cm and weight: 5.25g. It has been reproduced for many years and can be preserved intact and is rare in the flourishing age. It is very scarce in the market today and is worth collecting!
